Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Biannual update - 2014

Well, we are all two full months into the baseball season, and despite my A's ominous first few weeks, with New Closer Johnson losing games for the team right and left, Oakland's sluggers are slugging and the pitchers are dealing. Even national (east coast) sports media are paying attention, and while I will continue to complain about them, I can't knock it. I don't think I made it to more than one game in May, so looking to rectify that this month.

My computer died yesterday. I'm typing this on a borrowed laptop from work. Making me think I need to admin the home laptop so wifey and I can share comfortably. Might as well create a log-in for the kid too.

... who is now 4.5 years old. He keeps getting bigger and bigger. Asks "I want a brother or sister" a little too often, but he just might get one.

I've been fairly nostalgic lately for comicbooks. I've been trying to pick up around where I left off, which would be somewhere around 1989-1990. Even then, I was just discovering the more sophisticated and adult comicbook world, and upon entering high school, immersed myself in music. I think skateboarding was somewhere in-between, as I remember riding my bmx bike AND skateboarding to Comics & Comix on Telegraph. My regular run back then was Karim Cyclery to check out the latest decks, pick up some stickers, then head toward Comics & Comix to see what I could score. A couple of their employees used to float me discounts on all the stuff I bought.

Anyhoo, so I've been hitting all my favorite 2nd hand stores for the old prints of Cerebus collections, recently picked up "Women", and already had "High Society". Some internet perusing had led me to a critique of the "mysoginist" works of Dave Sim and Gerhard, and quite frankly, I didn't remember that at all from what I had read. With the benefit of hindsight, I intend to find out what that critique was referring to.

I also have been reading samurai comics from Kazuo Koike, having been a Lone Wolf and Cub fan, I began Samurai Executioner as well. Other titles I'd like to dive into include works by my favorite comic artists, such as John Byrne's X-Men, or whatever happened to the New Mutants? Other titles I remember liking DC's Ambush Bug quite a bit too, wonder what became of that one.

Baseball reading is also something I am enjoying, although I have a plenty of reading to do before my next purchase (which will be this one). Among others, I have the newly publushed "The A's", on their entire history; also I am reading one called "Into The Temple of Baseball"a collection of vignettes to the game. For my son's bedtime stories, "The Cartoon History of Baseball" features every team. Of note, mentions of this out-of-print title online refer to its scarcity/rarity - I bet if folks could log off for two seconds and walk to a used book store they would find it is not so scarce.

Anything else?

We went camping last month. I bought kid a nice bike with accompanying expensive helmet (adult SM). Drum collection getting bigger, much to wife's chagrin.  Enjoying twitter better than any other social media platform, save for maybe tumbr (which helped send me on my recent comicbook jaunts).

But overall, bored by technology. The death of my work laptop meant absolutely zilch to me, including losing my entire iTunes library and Photos. The music I don't care about losing so much because I built it with my own CDs. The photos I do care about losing, but most I had backed up online. While my work stuff might be lost forever, work will always be here. If there wasn't a 40-hour work week, we'd never get to go home.

 I can't wait to take the training wheels off kid's bike so we can go exploring together.  

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